Our Sunday worship gathering begins at 9:30 a.m. and lasts about an hour to 75 minutes. Our longer services are often on the first Sunday of the month, when we usually celebrate the Lord’s Supper (or Communion). If you’re running late, you can miss a few announcements and still arrive in time to experience some of our gathering music.
JLP’s worship center is a sea-green building located at the corner of Jewel Lake Rd. and Strawberry Rd. across from Sand Lake Elementary School. (Map here.)
Our in-person service is live-streamed each Sunday for those who have health concerns or find themselves far from Anchorage that day. The service is hosted on an online platform that includes a text-chat function to allows participants to greet one another and share joys or concerns before and during the service. These comments are not retained after the conclusion of the service.
Use the Watch button to join the service online on Sunday.
Click here for access to videos of past worship services.
Click here for podcasts of previous sermons.
While our worship gatherings are liturgical, they’re more “low church” than “high church.” Our music runs toward contemporary praise music, but most Sundays a traditional hymn or two are part of the mix.
We usually celebrate Communion (or the Lord’s Supper) the first Sunday of each month. The Lord Jesus invites everyone who trusts him to join us at his table. In our understanding, the invitation to the Lord’s Table is not a reward offered to some worthy few. Instead, our Lord offers it freely as a gift to undeserving people who come to it in faith, repentance, and love.
Wear what you like. People dress pretty casually. This is Alaska. You’ll see everything from jeans and sneakers up to an occasional jacket-and-tie or dress.
Kids. Are you going to bring kids? Your children are welcome to remain with you in worship, but we have nursery care for infants and toddlers in the Education Center next door, and (after the children’s message) child care for kids through age six. If your kids stay with you in worship, we have coloring pages and other materials to help them get the most from their time with us. Please ask one of our ushers for assistance or directions.
Restrooms. Our restrooms are kind of hard to find, so you might want to ask for assistance. In the worship center, they’re downstairs in the basement, opposite the kitchen at the far end from stairs by the front door. There are more restrooms in the Education Center next door.
Offering. We receive an offering every week. Jesus taught that part of how we worship God is by giving our lives away—our time, our labor, and our money. We who see JLP as our church home give with joyful and generous hearts as we join in the work God is doing here and around the world. If you’re our guest, please don’t feel pressured to participate in the offering.
Distractions. We would appreciate it if you silenced all cell phones and pagers. If you need to take a call, please use the entrance area or inside stairwell of the Worship Center for any necessary conversations.
Connect with us: If this is your first time with us, please let us know you were here by filling out one of the blue Guest Information Cards, which you can obtain from any of our greeters. To return it, simply place it in the offering plate. Or, if you prefer, you can just register online.
Prayer Requests? We’d love to pray for any troubles that concern you. You can drop a written prayer request in the offering plate and we’ll pray about it during the week. If you prefer, meet with Pastor Luke after the gathering and you can share your prayer request directly.
Questions? If you have questions, or just need to talk to someone, please find Pastor Luke after the gathering. He would be pleased to talk and pray with you. Or, if you prefer, he can help you connect with others in the congregation.