Children & youth

A church for the next generation

Children's Ministry 

Sunday School is held at 11:00 am in our education building with all ages combined. 

We are a "Safe Sanctuaries" church, with all volunteers trained and screened to provide a safe environment during church events. 

Children are welcome in our worship service, with a special message for them from Pastor Luke. See our page, Planning Your Visit, for more information.

Youth Ministry

Youth at JLP meet during our education hour (11:00 am) after Sunday Worship to study the Bible together. Youth are involved with serving in the church through music, audio-video production, children's programs, and compassion ministries.

Vacation Bible Fun

JLP has a history of offering a summer program for children in the community. In the summer of 2019, children from pre-school through sixth grade gathered for a week to study the theme Water All Around the World. They heard stories from the bible about water, learned about parts of the world without sources of safe water, and played some watery, bubbly games.

While the pandemic made it difficult to hold summer programs in 2020 and 2021, we hope to return to this ministry in the future.